Audacious is an audio player.
This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 11.3 platform.
Download (HTTP):
Download MD5 sum: 3f76597aa1d2ea1501a93456b46d870f
Download size: 600 KB
Estimated disk space required: 72 MB (with Qt user interface)
Estimated build time: 0.8 SBU (with Qt user interface)
Required Plugins
Download (HTTP):
Download MD5 sum: 029d1ee500e8941812ddbf65b23988c8
Download size: 1.9 MB
Estimated disk space required: 171 MB (with Qt user interface)
Estimated build time: 1.8 SBU (with Qt user interface)
GTK+-2.24.33 or Qt-5.15.8 (or both), libxml2-2.10.3 (plugins), Xorg build environment (plugins), and a graphical environment (runtime)
ALSA-1.2.7 and dbus-1.14.6, also gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0 (runtime)
libarchive-3.6.2 and Valgrind-3.20.0
mpg123-1.31.2 and neon-0.32.5 (for online mpg3 and ogg radio)
cURL-7.88.1, FAAD2-2.10.1, FFmpeg-5.1.2, FLAC-1.4.2, LAME-3.100, libcdio-2.1.0 (to identify and play CDs), libnotify-0.8.1, libsamplerate-0.2.2, libsndfile-1.2.0, libvorbis-1.3.7, PulseAudio-16.1, SDL-1.2.15, ampache-browser, adplug, The Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP (bs2b) library, FluidSynth, JACK (requires libsamplerate-0.2.2), libcue, libmodplug, libmms, libopenmpt, libsidplayfp, LIRC, sndio, SoX, and WavPack
User Notes:
Install Audacious by running the following commands (you may wish to change the stamp to another string):
TPUT=/bin/true ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --with-buildstamp="BLFS" && make
This package does not come with a test suite.
Now, as the root
make install
Install the required plugins package by issuing the following commands:
tar -xf ../audacious-plugins-4.2.tar.bz2 && cd audacious-plugins-4.2 && TPUT=/bin/true ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-wavpack && make
Now, as the root
make install
This package installs icon files into the /usr/share/icons/hicolor
hierarchy and
desktop files into the /usr/share/applications
hierarchy. You can
improve system performance and memory usage by updating
. To
perform the update you must have GTK+-2.24.33 or
GTK+-3.24.36 installed (for the icon cache)
and desktop-file-utils-0.26
(for the desktop cache) and issue the following commands as the
gtk-update-icon-cache -qtf /usr/share/icons/hicolor && update-desktop-database -q
: the default
is for make to output
text in color. This is fine if you are building in a terminal, but
if you script the build process and pipe the output from
make to a log file
then the control characters used to color the text can make the
logfile unreadable. This option prevents make from coloring the text.
: This
switch appends the given text to the version string.
: This
switch is required unless the optional WavPack package is
: Use this to enable GTK+
: Use this to disable qt
: Use this for the plugins
if you have not installed mpg123 and do not wish to play mp3 files.
: Allow better
Valgrind leak checks.
: Use this for the
plugins if you have not installed neon, and do not want to use
HTTP/HTTPS transport.
If you prefer the old, smaller Winamp/XMMS interface, click on View> Interface> Winamp Classic Interface.
If you built with both Gtk and Qt user interfaces, the Qt version
can be executed from a terminal, issuing audacious --qt. If you wish a
desktop menu entry to execute this Qt version, issue the following
commands as the root
cp -v /usr/share/applications/audacious{,-qt}.desktop && sed -e '/^Name/ s/$/ Qt/' \ -e '/Exec=/ s/audacious/& --qt/' \ -i /usr/share/applications/audacious-qt.desktop