Perl Modules

Introduction to Perl Modules

The Perl module packages add useful objects to the Perl language. Modules utilized by packages throughout BLFS are listed here, along with their dependencies. Installation of the modules shown on this page should be accomplished by installing the dependencies in the order listed. The Perl Module standard build and installation instructions are shown at the bottom of this page.

Where a module is shown as '(for the testsuite)' it is required if you wish to run the test for the module which uses it. In these cases, only the required dependencies are listed - there might be other modules which allow more tests to be run, but omitting them will still allow the tests to PASS.


The Archive::Zip module allows a Perl program to create, manipulate, read, and write Zip archive files. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.


The autovivification module allows you to lexically disable autovivification. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • autovivification-0.16

    MD5 sum: 7e20817f6034910c1bc23351d81a0658


The Business::ISBN module is for work with International Standard Book Numbers. This module and its dependency use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Business::ISBN-2.09

    MD5 sum: 5ebf339c409d99cdfa6f96974ef96780


The Business::ISMN module is for work with International Standard Music Numbers. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Business::ISMN-1.13

    MD5 sum: e8696a78b4aa8a99869fbb0625c5cc13

    • Tie::Cycle


The Business::ISSN module is for work with International Standard Serial Numbers. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Business::ISSN-1.001

    MD5 sum: 004a95c3a44b1c2915ec62cdee66673d


The Data::Compare module compares two perl data structures. This module and its dependencies use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Data::Compare-1.25

    MD5 sum: 6a397ab5833237f3ca05ed7277b19a7a


This module provides pretty printing of data structures. It uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Data::Dump-1.23

    MD5 sum: 762c111e525c82ff23d62c90821b26e9


Date::Simple provides a simple date object. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Date::Simple-3.03

    MD5 sum: 436049dc2c7dfd8423d8bcc807248b31


Encode::EUCJPASCII provides an eucJP-open mapping. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Encode-EUCJPASCII-0.03

    MD5 sum: 5daa65f55b7c2050bb0713d9e95f239d


The Encode::HanExtra module provides extra sets of Chinese Encodings. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Encode::HanExtra-0.23

    MD5 sum: e1d3bc32c1c8ee304235a06fbcd5d5a4


The Encode::JIS2K module provides JIS X 0212 (aka JIS 2000) Encodings. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Encode::JIS2K-0.03

    MD5 sum: 60539471aa408a2b793cd45a6ce651db


The File::Slurp module provides Simple and Efficient Reading/Writing/Modifying of Complete Files. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • File::Slurp-9999.19

    MD5 sum: 7d584cd15c4f8b9547765eff8c4ef078


File::Which provides a portable implementation of the 'which' utility. This module and its dependencies use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • File::Which-1.19

    MD5 sum: 27f967930f011b646c1bf839b606e164


The HTML::Parser distribution is a collection of modules that parse and extract information from HTML documents. This module and the dependency modules use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • HTML::Parser-3.72

    MD5 sum: eb7505e5f626913350df9dd4a03d54a8

    • HTML::Tagset

    • libwww-perl-6.15 (circular; howevever, it can be installed after HTML::Parser as it is only a run-time requirement for the included HTML::HeadParser module)


The IPC::Run3 module is used to run a subprocess with input/ouput redirection. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • IPC-Run3-0.048

    MD5 sum: 5a8cec571c51a118b265cf6e24e55761

libwww-perl-6.15 (a.k.a. Bundle::LWP)

The libwww-perl (Bundle::LWP) collection is a set of Perl modules which provide a simple and consistent application programming interface to the World-Wide Web. The main focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you to write WWW clients. The library also contains modules that are of more general use and even classes that help you implement simple HTTP servers. The LWP collection and all its dependency modules use the standard build and installation instructions. The dependencies should be installed in the order listed below. Ensure you install the dependency chain for each module before installing the modules.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

After the LWP installation, if you want HTTPS protocol support, install LWP::Protocol::https-6.06


The List::Allutils module combines List::Util and List::MoreUtils in one bite-sized package. This module and its dependencies use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package will fail (tests, but not for any obvious reason, and at runtime) if the core module List::Util is older than 1.31, as happens with e.g. with perl-5.18.2 from LFS-7.5. To test the version, you can run the following command

strings /usr/lib/perl5/5.*/*/auto/List/Util/ |
    grep -E '^[[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]+'

and if necessary install Scalar::List::Utils ( to get a newer version of that module without updating all of perl.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • List::AllUtils-0.09

    MD5 sum: 3e2dfeeef80c4e1952443c6b7d48583c

    • List::MoreUtils-0.413

    • Number::Compare

    • Test::Warnings
      ( (for the testsuite)

      • CPAN::Meta::Check
        ( (for the testsuite)

        • Test::Deep
          ( (for the testsuite)

      • Module::Metadata
        ( (for the testsuite)
        This is a core perl module but Test::Warnings needs at least version 1.000023
        so a newer version is needed in LFS-7.7 and before. To check, run
        grep 'our $VERSION' /usr/lib/perl5/5.*/Module/

        • Test::Deep
          ( (for the testsuite)

    • Text::Glob


List::MoreUtils provides the stuff missing in List::Util. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • List-MoreUtils-0.413

    MD5 sum: bc577c86455e2d1397187bce286a53b9

    • Exporter::Tiny
      ( (for the testsuite)

Log-Log4perl-1.46 (a.k.a. Log::Log4perl)

Log-Log4perl provides a Log4j implementation for perl. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Log-Log4perl-1.46

    MD5 sum: d247d2327d7f32dca09cbeb51a953fc5


LWP::Protocol::https provides https support for LWP::UserAgent (i.e. for LWP). This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.


Module::Build allows perl modules to be built without a make command being present. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions. If your version of perl is 5.20.2 or earlier, a version of this module was installed as part of the core perl distribution and you do not need to install a newer version.



When creating the Makefile, this module will report

    ! inc::latest is not installed

but inc::latest is experimental and not needed.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Module-Build-0.4216

    MD5 sum: 681e174d184087d7e5bf64a338c5e48c


Net::DNS is a DNS resolver implemented in Perl. It can be used to perform nearly any type of DNS query from a Perl script. The Net::DNS module and all its dependencies are installed using the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Net::DNS-1.04

    MD5 sum: 5a6f6e6811d6bf8eefd84ce778c2bc2e

    • Digest::HMAC
      ( (for the testsuite)

    • IO::Socket::INET6
      ( (required for IPv6 support)

    • IO::Socket::INET
      ( (required for IPv6 support)

      • Socket6


Regexp::Common provides commonly requested regular expressions. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Regexp-Common-2016020301

    MD5 sum: a3126d635295869bf78c4e5c8f5e9949


The SGMLSpm module is a Perl library used for parsing the output from James Clark's SGMLS and NSGMLS parsers. This modules uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

Before beginning the build, issue the following command to prevent an error:

chmod -v 644 MYMETA.yml

After the package has been installed, run the following command as the root user:

ln -sv /usr/bin/sgmlspl
  • SGMLSpm-1.1

    MD5 sum: 746c74ae969992cedb1a2879b4168090

Test::Command-0.11 (Test::Command)

This module tests the exit status, STDOUT, or STDERR, of an external command. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Test-Command-0.11

    MD5 sum: 9ab83c4695961dbe92cd86efe08f0634


Test::Differences - Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok. This module and its dependency modules use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.


Test::Pod checks for POD errors in files. It uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Test-Pod-1.51

    MD5 sum: f806aa84de2f0c0fba48b3a5a8a4aecf


Test::Pod::Coverage check for pod coverage. This module and its dependency modules use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.


Text::BibTeX provides an interface to read and parse BibTeX files. This module uses the instructions for packages using Build.PL, but except where noted, its dependencies are installed using the standard build and installation instructions.

This package asks for what it calls `Scalar::Util` version 1.42 or later if the core module List::Util is older than this, as happens with releases up to perl-5.20.2. To test the version, you can run the following command

strings /usr/lib/perl5/5.*/*/auto/List/Util/ |
    grep -E '^[[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]+'

and if necessary install Scalar::List::Utils ( to get a newer version of that module without updating all of perl.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.


Text::Roman allows conversion between Roman and Arabic algorisms (number systems, e.g. MCMXLV and 1945). This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Text-Roman-3.5

    MD5 sum: 1f6b09c0cc1f4425b565ff787a39fd83


Unicode::Collate provides a Unicode collation algorithm. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Unicode-Collate-1.14

    MD5 sum: c486b31f87bfa3875883f3c9fad9fd99


Unicode::LineBreak provides a UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm. This module and its dependencies use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.


Unicode::Normalize provides Unicode Normalization Forms. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • Unicode::Normalize-1.25

    MD5 sum: 8f25327bbccc33717b7d85433e1083bd


This module implements the URI class. Objects of this class represent "Uniform Resource Identifier references" as specified in RFC 2396 (and updated by RFC 2732). A Uniform Resource Identifier is a compact string of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource. A Uniform Resource Identifier can be further classified as either a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or a Uniform Resource Name (URN). The distinction between URL and URN does not matter to the URI class interface. A "URI-reference" is a URI that may have additional information attached in the form of a fragment identifier. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • URI-1.71

    MD5 sum: 247c3da29a794f72730e01aa5a715daf


The XML::LibXML::Simple module is a rewrite of XML::Simple to use the XML::LibXML parser for XML structures,instead of the plain Perl or SAX parsers. This module and all dependency modules use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.


The XML::LibXSLT module provides an interface to libxslt. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.


The XML::Simple module is a Perl extension that provides an easy API to read and write XML (especially config files). This module and all dependency modules use the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • XML::Simple-2.22

    MD5 sum: 0914abddfce749453ed89b54029f2643

    • XML::SAX
      (Note: this package does not support parallel build)

    • XML::SAX::Expat
      (Note: this package does not support parallel build)

    •  XML::LibXML
      (recommended for faster parsing)

    • Tie::IxHash
      (optionally used in the test suite)


XML::Writer provides a Perl extension for writing XML documents. This module uses the standard build and installation instructions.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.9 platform.

  • XML::Writer-0.625

    MD5 sum: b9c2420c243c6a36ce45a008740fcede

Standard Installation of Perl Modules

Install Perl modules by running the following commands:

perl Makefile.PL &&
make &&
make test

Now, as the root user:

make install


When reinstalling a Perl module, sometimes older versions of the module being reinstalled are in other directories specified in @INC. To delete all other versions of the module being reinstalled (not simply older ones) set the UNINST variable:

make install UNINST=1

Installation of Perl Modules which use Build.PL

Before perl-5.22, Module::Build was part of the core distribution. Now it must be installed separately (see above) before any of the modules which use it can be built.

Install Perl modules which use Build.PL by running the following commands:

perl Build.PL &&
./Build &&
./Build test

Now, as the root user:

./Build install

(Alternate) Auto Installation of Perl Modules.

There is an alternate way of installing the modules using the cpan shell install command. The command automatically downloads the source from the CPAN archive, extracts it, runs the compilation, testing and installation commands mentioned above, and removes the build source tree. You may still need to install dependent library packages before running the automated installation method.

The first time you run cpan, you'll be prompted to enter some information regarding download locations and methods. This information is retained in files located in ~/.cpan. Start the cpan shell by issuing 'cpan' as the root user. Any module may now be installed from the cpan>  prompt with the command:

install <Module::Name>

For additional commands and help, issue 'help' from the cpan>  prompt.

Alternatively, for scripted or non-interactive installations, use the following syntax as the root user to install one or more modules:

cpan -i <Module1::Name> <Module2::Name>

Review the cpan.1 man page for additional parameters you can pass to cpan on the command line.


Most of these modules only install into the perl directories, but a few will also install programs (mostly, perl scripts), or even a library, into /usr

Installed Programs: Archive::Zip: crc32 File::Find::Rule: findrule libwww-perl: lwp-download, lwp-dump, lwp-mirror, lwp-request Log::Log4perl: l4p-tmpl Module::Build config_data Pod::Coverage: pod_cover Text::BibTeX: biblex, bibparse, dumpnames
Installed Libraries: Text::BibTeX:

Short Descriptions


computes and prints to stdout the CRC-32 values of the given files.


is a command line wrapper to File:Find:Rule.


is a script to fetch a large file from the web.


is used to see what headers and content is returned for a URL.


is a simple mirror utility.


is a simple command line user agent.


prints out the text of a template Log4perl configuration for starting a new Log4perl configuration file.


is used to query or change the configuration of perl modules.


is used to get a coverage analysis of the embedded documentation in a perl module.


performs lexical analysis on a BibTeX file.


parses a series of BibTeX files with command line options to control the string post-processing behaviour.


parses a BibTeX file, splitting 'author' and 'editor' fields into lists of names, and then dumps everything to stdout.

is a library for parsing and processing BibTeX data files.

Last updated on 2016-02-27 13:58:54 -0800