
Introduction to Virtuoso

Virtuoso is a cross-platform server that implements multiple server-side protocols as part of a single-server product offering. There is one server product that offers WebDAV/HTTP, Application, and Database-server functionality alongside Native XML Storage, Universal Data-Access Middleware, Business Process Integration and a Web-Services Platform.

This package is known to build using an LFS 7.4 platform but has not been tested.

Package Information

Virtuoso Dependencies



ImageMagick-6.8.6-9, Python-2.7.5, and MIT Kerberos V5-1.11.3

User Notes:

Installation of Virtuoso

Install virtuoso by running the following commands:

sed -i "s|virt_iodbc_dir/include|&/iodbc|" configure  &&
./configure --prefix=/usr                             \
            --sysconfdir=/etc                         \
            --localstatedir=/var                      \
            --with-iodbc=/usr                         \
            --with-readline                           \
            --without-internal-zlib                   \
            --program-transform-name="s/isql/isql-v/" \
            --disable-all-vads                        \
            --disable-static                          &&

To test the results, issue make -k check. Some tests are known to fail.

Now, as the root user:

make install &&
install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/virtuoso-6.1.7 &&
ln -s   -v          ../../virtuoso/doc \

Command Explanations

sed -i ...: This command is used to modify the CPPFLAGS variable so that the libiodbc interface headers are found by the configure script.

--with-iodbc=/usr: This parameter is used so that the build will use the system libiodbc interface headers and not the headers in the source tree.

--with-readline: This parameter is used so that the system Readline library is used.

--without-internal-zlib: This parameter is set so that the installed zlib library is used and not the bundled one.

--program-transform-name: Both Virtuoso and unixODBC install a program named isql. Use this parameter to rename virtuosos program to isql-v.

--disable-all-vads: This parameter disables building all the VAD packages (tutorials, demos, etc.).

--disable-static: This option disables building static libraries. However, the main Virtuoso libraries, libvirtuoso-t and libvirtuoso-iodbc-t are still built as static libraries.

--enable-python: Add this option if Python is installed to enable building Python bindings.

--with-port: Add this if you want the Virtuoso server to listen on a port other than 1111.

--enable-aio: Add this if you want Virtuoso to perform asynchronous file I/O operations instead of synchronous file I/O.

--enable-perl: Do not use this option if you built Perl according to the LFS instructions. The build will fail with a note similar to Your perl should be compiled w -Dusemultiplicity. Check the output of perl -V:usemultiplicity.

Note that passing the with-jdk4=${JAVA_HOME}, --enable-php5=/usr, --enable-ruby, and --enable-wbxml2=/usr options all will fail during the configure phase of the build. They will not break the build, but the desired support will not be included in the build.




If Virtuoso is only to be used for KDE, there is no need to start the Virtuoso server at boot time.

Boot Script

If you want the Virtuoso server to start automatically when the system is booted, install the /etc/rc.d/init.d/virtuoso init script included in the blfs-bootscripts-20130908 package.

make install-virtuoso

User accounts

When the server is started using the start script, there is a web interface to Virtuoso at http://localhost:8890/. Several links are pointing to the OpenLink site, but the Conductor at http://localhost:8890/conductor/. This is a full featured configuration site for Virtuoso. Login as dba with the predefined password dba.


Change password

Remember to immediately change the password of user dba as well as of all other predefined users. Click on [System Admin] and than on [User Accounts].


Installed Programs: inifile, isql-v, isql-vw, virt_maili, and virtuoso-t
Installed Libraries: libvirtuoso-t.a,,,, and
Installed Directories: /var/lib/virtuoso, /usr/lib/{hibernate,jdbc-{2,3,4}.0,jena,sesame,virtuoso}, and /usr/share/virtuoso

Short Descriptions


is an interactive SQL utility.


is the Universial Server daemon.

Last updated on 2013-08-26 10:26:25 -0700