vi. LFS and Standards

The structure of LFS follows Linux standards as closely as possible. The primary standards are:

While it is possible to create a complete system that will pass the LSB certification tests from scratch, this can't be done without many additional packages that are beyond the scope of the LFS book. Installation instructions for these additional packages can be found in BLFS.

Packages supplied by LFS needed to satisfy the LSB Requirements

LSB Core:

Bash, Bc, Binutils, Coreutils, Diffutils, File, Findutils, Gawk, Grep, Gzip, M4, Man-DB, Ncurses, Procps, Psmisc, Sed, Shadow, Tar, Util-linux, Zlib

LSB Desktop:


LSB Runtime Languages:

Perl, Python

LSB Imaging:


LSB Gtk3 and LSB Graphics (Trial Use):


Packages supplied by BLFS needed to satisfy the LSB Requirements

LSB Core:

At, Batch (a part of At), Cpio, Ed, Fcrontab, LSB-Tools, NSPR, NSS, PAM, Pax, Sendmail (or Postfix or Exim), time

LSB Desktop:

Alsa, ATK, Cairo, Desktop-file-utils, Freetype, Fontconfig, Gdk-pixbuf, Glib2, GTK+2, Icon-naming-utils, Libjpeg-turbo, Libpng, Libtiff, Libxml2, MesaLib, Pango, Xdg-utils, Xorg

LSB Runtime Languages:

Libxml2, Libxslt

LSB Imaging:

CUPS, Cups-filters, Ghostscript, SANE

LSB Gtk3 and LSB Graphics (Trial Use):


Packages not supplied by LFS or BLFS needed to satisfy the LSB Requirements

LSB Core:


LSB Desktop:

Qt4 (but Qt5 is provided)

LSB Runtime Languages:


LSB Imaging:


LSB Gtk3 and LSB Graphics (Trial Use):
