Some glyph forms to see if I like what is in my console fonts: These are focussed on current european languages. You can also use these in a graphical browser, to see if your xorg fonts cover what you want to see - you may have to tell it to assume UTF-8 encoding. numbers 0123456789 - ideally, these should be distinct from the letters latin letters and accents: g a c t d m c o b s c d r d d' c r c i i i a a g r t e o i o b o a u r l a c r o e r d t n t l' m v t c' d e' r o n v o i g l m e e f e r' o n e e k l e a a l s n k e l s c e i a s u x s t' Aa Àà Áá Ââ Ãã Äë Āā Ąą Ăă Åå Bb Cc Ćć Ĉĉ Čč Çç Ċċ Dd Ďď Đđ Ee Èè Éé Êê Ëë Ēē Ěě Ęę Ėė Ff Gg Ĝĝ Ǧǧ Ğğ Ǥǥ Ģģ Ġġ Hh Ĥĥ Ħħ Ii Ìì Íí Îî Ïï Īī Įį İi Iı Jj Ĵĵ Kk Ǩǩ Ķķ Ll Ĺĺ Ľľ Łł Ļļ Mm Nn Ńń Ññ Ňň Ņņ Oo Òò Óó Ôô Õõ Öö Ōō Øø Őő Pp Rr Ŕŕ Řř Ss Śś Ŝŝ Šš Şş Șș Tt Ťť Ŧŧ Țț Uu Ùù Úú Ûû Üü Ūū Ųų Ŭŭ Ůů Űű Ww Ẁẁ Ẃẃ Ŵŵ Ẅẅ Yy Ỳỳ Ýý Ŷŷ Ÿÿ Zz Źź Žž Żż latin extra letters: Æ æ ae ligature Ð ð eth (icelandic,...) Þ þ thorn (icelandic,...) Ŋ ŋ eng (some sami languages) Œ œ oe ligature ß eszett (german lowercase double s) Ə ə schwa (azeri) Ʒ ʒ ezh (skolt sami), also with caron Ǯ ǯ for dotted I and dotless i (turkish - the pairs are Iı İi) see under 'i' for d-stroke, g-stroke, h-stroke, l-slash, o-slash, t-stroke see the 'stroke' column cyrillic: (first part of the unicode cyrillic code block) ЀЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЍЎЏ АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОП letters Зз Ээ number 3 РСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ абвгдежзийклмноп рстуфхцчшщъыьэюя ѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџ (a few other cyrillic letters) Ґґ ghe with upturn for ukrainian Ӂӂ zhe with brave for moldavian (in trans-dniestria) Ҋҋ Ӆӆ Ӊӊ Ӎӎ i,el,en,em with tail Ӈӈ en with hook Ҏҏ er with tick Ӭӭ e with diaeresis and Ҍҍ semisoft sign - all for kildin sami modern greek (i.e. monotonic - some people still use polytonic): ʹ͵; ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣ ΤΥΦΧΨΩ Ά Έ Ή ΊΪ Ό ΎΫ Ώ αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω ά έ ή ίϊΐ ό ύϋΰ ώ