
For installation instructions see the Section called Installing Flex-2.5.4a in Chapter 6.

Official Download Location

Flex (2.5.4a): 

Contents of Flex

The Flex package is used to generate programs which recognize patterns in text.

Installed programs: flex, flex++ (link to flex) and lex

Installed library: libfl.a

Short descriptions

flex is a tool for generating programs that recognize patterns in text. Pattern recognition is useful in many applications. From a set of rules on what to look for flex makes a program that looks for those patterns. The reason to use flex is that it is much easier to specify the rules for than to write the actual pattern-finding program.

flex++ invokes a version of flex that is used exclusively for C++ scanners.

libfl.a is the flex library.

Flex Installation Dependencies

Flex depends on: Bash, Binutils, Bison, Coreutils, Diffutils, GCC, Gettext, Glibc, Grep, M4, Make, Sed.