Installing Groff-1.17.2

Estimated build time:           2 minutes
Estimated required disk space:  16 MB

Installation of Groff

Install Groff by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install


The Groff packages contains the addftinfo, afmtodit, eqn, grodvi, groff, grog, grohtml, grolj4, grops, grotty, hpftodit, indxbib, lkbib, lookbib, neqn, nroff, pfbtops, pic, psbb, refer, soelim, tbl, tfmtodit and troff programs.



addftinfo reads a troff font file and adds some additional font-metric information that is used by the groff system.


afmtodit creates a font file for use with groff and grops.


eqn compiles descriptions of equations embedded within troff input files into commands that are understood by troff.


grodvi is a driver for groff that produces TeX dvi format.


groff is a front-end to the groff document formatting system. Normally it runs the troff program and a post-processor appropriate for the selected device.


grog reads files and guesses which of the groff options -e, -man, -me, -mm, -ms, -p, -s, and -t are required for printing files, and prints the groff command including those options on the standard output.


grohtml translates the output of GNU troff to html


grolj4 is a driver for groff that produces output in PCL5 format suitable for an HP Laserjet 4 printer.


grops translates the output of GNU troff to Postscript.


grotty translates the output of GNU troff into a form suitable for typewriter-like devices.


hpftodit creates a font file for use with groff -Tlj4 from an HP tagged font metric file.


indxbib makes an inverted index for the bibliographic databases a specified file for use with refer, lookbib, and lkbib.


lkbib searches bibliographic databases for references that contain specified keys and prints any references found on the standard output.


lookbib prints a prompt on the standard error (unless the standard input is not a terminal), reads from the standard input a line containing a set of keywords, searches the bibliographic databases in a specified file for references containing those keywords, prints any references found on the standard output, and repeats this process until the end of input.


The neqn script formats equations for ascii output.


The nroff script emulates the nroff command using groff.


pfbtops translates a Postscript font in .pfb format to ASCII.


pic compiles descriptions of pictures embedded within troff or TeX input files into commands that are understood by TeX or troff.


psbb reads a file which should be a Postscript document conforming to the Document Structuring conventions and looks for a %%BoundingBox comment.


refer copies the contents of a file to the standard output, except that lines between .[ and .] are interpreted as citations, and lines between .R1 and .R2 are interpreted as commands about how citations are to be processed.


soelim reads files and replaces lines of the form .so file by the contents of file.


tbl compiles descriptions of tables embedded within troff input files into commands that are understood by troff.


tfmtodit creates a font file for use with groff -Tdvi


troff is highly compatible with Unix troff. Usually it should be invoked using the groff command, which will also run preprocessors and post-processors in the appropriate order and with the appropriate options.


Groff-1.17.2 needs the following to be installed:

sh from the bash package

ar from the binutils package
as from the binutils package
ld from the binutils package

bison from the bison package
yacc from the bison package

cmp from the diffutils package

chmod from the fileutils package
cp from the fileutils package
ls from the fileutils package
mkdir from the fileutils package
mv from the fileutils package
rm from the fileutils package

cc from the gcc package
c++ from the gcc package

egrep from the grep package
grep from the grep package

make from the make package

awk from the mawk package

sed from the sed package

basename from the sh-utils package
date from the sh-utils package
echo from the sh-utils package
expr from the sh-utils package
uname from the sh-utils package

cat from the textutils package
touch from the fileutils package
tr from the textutils package