8.57. Kmod-34.1

The Kmod package contains libraries and utilities for loading kernel modules

Approximate build time: less than 0.1 SBU
Required disk space: 11 MB

8.57.1. Installation of Kmod

Prepare Kmod for compilation:

mkdir -p build
cd       build

meson setup --prefix=/usr ..    \
            --sbindir=/usr/sbin \
            --buildtype=release \
            -D manpages=false

The meaning of the configure options:

-D manpages=false

This option disables generating the man pages which requires an external program.

Compile the package:


The test suite of this package requires raw kernel headers (not the sanitized kernel headers installed earlier), which are beyond the scope of LFS.

Now install the package:

ninja install

8.57.2. Contents of Kmod

Installed programs: depmod (link to kmod), insmod (link to kmod), kmod, lsmod (link to kmod), modinfo (link to kmod), modprobe (link to kmod), and rmmod (link to kmod)
Installed library: libkmod.so

Short Descriptions


Creates a dependency file based on the symbols it finds in the existing set of modules; this dependency file is used by modprobe to automatically load the required modules


Installs a loadable module in the running kernel


Loads and unloads kernel modules


Lists currently loaded modules


Examines an object file associated with a kernel module and displays any information that it can glean


Uses a dependency file, created by depmod, to automatically load relevant modules


Unloads modules from the running kernel


This library is used by other programs to load and unload kernel modules