Linux From Scratch Editor's Manual

Version 20210713

Initial Version: Gerard Beekmans

Git Version: Pierre Labastie

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions in any form must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  • Neither the name of "Linux From Scratch" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this material without specific prior written permission.

  • Any material derived from Linux From Scratch must contain a reference to the "Linux From Scratch" project.



This manual teaches you how to properly edit the LFS Book.


This book is dedicated to all the LFS editors, who have maintained the LFS project alive over all these years.

Table of Contents

Welcome to the LFS Editor's Manual

This manual will teach you what you need to know in order to properly edit the LFS-Book. It will cover some basic issues like accessing Git over SSH and the Git commands you will use. It will also discuss the proper sequence of doing things like upgrading a package and how to work with the bug tracking database.

Gerard Beekmans
Pierre Labastie

Chapter 1. LFS Development

1.1. Introduction

LFS development takes place using three main systems. First, the mailing lists , and (to a lesser extent) . Second the Trac bug tracking system, and third the Git server where the book itself is stored. All of these services are provided by the server also known as or more usually, rivendell. This single server provides mailing lists, web hosting, Git hosting, Trac and basically everything we use to work on the LFS project.

The LFS book is written using Docbook-XML 4.5 and is split into a number of XML files. The directories in the source tree represent the chapters of the book and each XML file within a directory typically contains the text for a section within that chapter. This structure is designed to enable a contributor to quickly locate the particular area of the book they want to edit.

The Trac ticketing system for LFS can be found at In order to be able to add, remove and edit tickets, you need to add an account and make sure you are logged in whenever you wish to perform such an action. You can query and read the Trac database without logging in or having a user created. Note that all ticket messages are copied to the mailing list and that all editors should be subscribed to this and the list at a minimum.

See Using Trac for information on how to get a user created with the appropriate update permissions for the Trac system.

Finally, there is the Git server which will be discussed in the following chapters.

1.2. Changelog

This is version 20210713 of the Linux From Scratch Editor's Manual, dated July 13th 2021.

Below is a list of changes made since the Last Git version of the book, first a summary, then a detailed log.

  • Added:

    • Added Current LFS Stylesheets.

    • Added entry for git log.

    • Added entry for git status.

    • Added entry for git push.

    • Added entry for git clone.

    • Added entry for git pull.

  • Removed:

    • Removed the entry for svn diff.

    • Removed the entry for svn update.

    • Renamed all the other svn xxx entries to git xxx.

    • Removed Old stylesheets.

  • Changelog Entries:

    • July 13, 2021

      • [thomas] Add chapter 8: Processes to build the books.

    • April 29, 2021

      • [ken] Add chapter 7: Security Advisories.

    • March 31, 2021

      • [bdubbs] Wording changes.

    • January 10, 2021

      • [pierre] chapter01/introduction: A few more fixes in the server name and the version of DocBook we are using.

      • [pierre] stylesheets: remove $LastChangedBy and $Date annotations that are useless in git.

      • [pierre] Chapter 4: adapt "commit it!" for git.

    • January 9, 2021

      • [pierre] Chapter 4: adapt "check relevant files" for git.

      • [pierre] Chapter 4 updating changelog: show how to have a changelog entry corresponding to only one revision of the book.

      • [pierre] Chapter 4: adapt the introduction for git.

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: rewrite the push command for git.

    • January 8, 2021

      • [bdubbs] Chapter 3: copy stylesheets and images from the lfs book.

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: rewrite the status command for git.

      • [pierre] Chapter 2 and 3: remove references to master branch and replace with trunk.

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: remove diff.xml. Add log.xml and status.xml.

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: Add xreflabel attributes for git commands, rewrite the introduction using xref.

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: rewrite the diff, merge, pull, push, rebase commands for git.

    • January 7, 2021

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: add push.xml.

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: rewrite the add, checkout, clone, commit, rm, mv commands for git.

    • January 5, 2021

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: Rewrite the introduction for git.

      • [pierre] Chapter 3: Remove update.xml, moving.xml, delete.xml. Add clone.xml, pull.xml, delmov.xml, rebase.xml (templates).

      • [pierre] Stylesheets: Remove and use those of the lfs book.

      • [pierre] Makefile: Create variables so that using a local layout is easier. Fix some obsolete commands.

      • [pierre] Chapter 2: Change filenames, rewrite things so that the commands refer to git instead of svn. Fix hostnames.

    • January 4, 2021

      • [pierre] introduction: Fix hostnames. change subversion to git. Change XML coding style.

      • [pierre] prologue: slight rewrite. Change XML coding style to what we have in the other books.

      • [pierre] tag Last_SVN_Version.

Part I. Basic Source Management

Chapter 2. Git Access

2.1. Introduction

The rivendell Git server provides repositories for all of the *LFS projects (and some others). The repository which we are interested in for LFS editing is (unsurprisingly) the LFS repository. A complete list of the modules which are available can be found using the Trac source browser interface at

There are two types of Git access to the LFS tree. First, there is anonymous read-only access which anyone can use. Second, there is read-write access granted to active editors.

Note to Subversion Users

Subversion is a centralized version control system, which means there is a unique repository on the server, and that users can check out that repository to a working directory on their local machine. Users with write access can then commit their modifications to the repository on the server.

Git is a distributed version control system, which means that all users have their own repository. The repository on the server is nothing more than the others, except that a public access is granted to it. The action of copying the repository from the server to the local machine is named cloning. Checking out and committing thus only occur locally. The action of synchronizing the public repository with the local one is named pull (public to local) or push (local to public for users with write access).

2.2. Anonymous Access

To get anonymous access, simply use the following command (note that this assumes you are using bash or a similar shell:

git clone lfs-git

This will copy the public repository to a subdirectory named .git in the directory lfs-git and then checkout the default branch to that directory. It will also set the local repository to track the default branch of the public repository so that you can update your local repository by simply running (after changing to directory lfs-git):

git pull

Note that for the LFS book, the default branch is named trunk.

2.3. Git SSH Access (for editors)

For editors, access is slightly more complicated. You first need to generate an ssh key-pair. To generate the keys run:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519


Editors are not required to have an account on the server, but it may be helpful.

When prompted where to save them, it's probably best to leave them in .ssh (as id_ed25519 and When prompted for a passphrase just press enter unless you want to give the phrase every time you synchronize to the server. However, since the same passphrase will be used when you log in to rivendell over ssh, it may be advisable to have some security in place.

Having generated your keys, send the ~/.ssh/ to an LFS administrator in order to have it added to ~git/.ssh/authorized_keys on rivendell. If you will be obtaining a login account on the server, the administrator will use the same key to allow you ssh access.

Your local copy of id_ed25519 and should remain untouched by this process.

Once this process is set up, try to checkout the latest LFS book revision by running (from your local machine):

git clone lfsbook

If all goes well you will download a copy of the current repository to lfsbook/.git and you will check out the default branch, which is named trunk. You will also have write access so from now on be extra careful. Note that no changes will be made until you issue a git push command.

The above is fine for getting the default branch, but you may want to work on a different public branch. To set up a local branch that tracks a public branch named new_branch, just issue:

git checkout --track origin/<new_branch>

Note to Subversion Users

Contrary to Subversion, where you need to check out a new working copy of the remote branch, with Git almost nothing is downloaded. The local directory now reflects the new branch, but the old branch directory does not exist anymore.

If you need to work on the default branch named trunk, just commit your changes (if any) to the new branch (the commit is local), and switch back to trunk with:

git checkout trunk

Since the new branch is already set up, if you want again to work on the new branch, just do:

git checkout <new_branch>

As with anonymous access, you can update your local repository by simply cd'ing into the LFS directory and running:

git pull

Chapter 3. Basic Git Commands

3.1. Introduction

Let's get familiar with the basic set of commands which all editors will use on an almost daily basis. There are many more options available than the ones listed here, so you will want to read the Git documentation (Pro Git) at some point. git help also provides a useful quick reference for Git commands. Sometimes git status shows a couple of commands that an user might want to run in the current state of the repository.

Note to Subversion Users

As already said, the Git repository is on the local machine. More precisely, the directory holds a working copy of some branch of the repository, and the repository itself is stored under the .git directory along with various configuration settings. The command git checkout is used to switch branches.

In addition to the local repository, git maintains a staging area that is known as the index. The command git add populates that staging area and git commit is used transfer the content of the index to the repository. This allows for a fine control of what is committed, but several shortcuts can be taken. Contrary to subversion, git add is not only be used to add files, but also to store modifications to the existing files.

3.2. git clone

git clone. This command is used to copy a public repository to the local machine and checkout the default (trunk for LFS) branch. You should only need to do this once. Various options allow creation of a shallow repository that does not contain the full history or all the branches. See git help clone.


To clone the LFS repository with only read access:

git clone lfsbook

To clone with read/write access:

git clone lfsbook

3.3. git pull

git pull. This command synchronizes your local repository. If you have made local changes, Git will try to merge any changes on the server with the changes you have committed on your machine. If the changes on the server overlap with local uncommitted changes, the merge is cancelled, and the work tree will remain untouched.

Unlike svn up, when Git merges your local commits with the changes on the server, it will produce a merge commit. Too many merge commits may cause the history to be confusing. As an alternative, one can pass --rebase to git pull, telling Git to rebase your local commits onto the changes on the server. Read git rebase for the details about rebasing.

To make a clean history, editors should use rebasing instead of merging for synchronizing the changes on the server if you have some local commits. To make --rebase the default for git pull, issue: git config pull.rebase true.

You should always do a manual git pull before trying to push changes in order to ensure that there are no conflicts with changes that have been made since you started your work. Note that git push will warn you if there is a conflict and you forget to perform a git pull.

3.4. git add

git add [modified-files]. This stages the modifications to all the modified-files (including newly created files) to the index. If you specify a directory in modified-files, all the files modified in this directory or its subdirectories are staged. The change is not in the local repository until you do a git commit. We will touch on this more as we continue in the chapter.

This command can be used in a very flexible way by using the -p option. You can select each hunk of the diff that is staged into the index. This allows testing a full change and then divides commits into small atomic pieces that are easier to review and understand.

3.5. git rm and git mv

git rm. This removes a file and lets Git know about it. Various options allow selecting whether the file is only deleted in the index or both in the index and the working directory. Note that you need to commit (and possibly push) for the removal to appear in the repository.

git mv. This renames or moves a file and lets Git know about it. Again, you need to commit (and possibly push) for the change to appear in the repository.

3.6. git status

git status. This is probably the command you'll be using most often. It prints the files that have been modified in the working directory, and that are not in the index, or that are in the index and not committed yet. It also outputs the state of the local repository respective to the remote one.

A very handy feature is that it outputs a list of commands that can be used in the current context.

3.7. git commit

git commit. This command stores your changes to the local repository. Normally it commits changes staged in the index, but various options allow you to bypass staging. Note that nothing is changed on the server until you issue git push. The -m and -F options can be used to pass a log message to the command. If you don't specify a -m "MESSAGE" or -F "Filename" option, Git will open the default editor and ask you to type in a log message. The default editor is specified by the environment variables, GIT_EDITOR or VISUAL or EDITOR (checked in that order) or by a configuration parameter in ~/.git/config. For example, to set your default editor to vim, run:

export GIT_EDITOR=vim


git config --global core.editor vim

Do not use empty log messages (see later in this document on the policy which governs them).

3.8. git log

git log. Outputs the commit log of the branch currently in the working directory. Various options allow customizing the level of information given for each commit. Editors are strongly advised to run this command before pushing to the remote repository or merging. If the history is too convoluted, it may be necessary to run git rebase in order to simplify it. Your co-editors will hate you if you change the history after pushing it.

Note to Subversion Users

The ouput is automatically passed to a pager so that it is not necessary to pipe it to less. Furthermore, no access to the remote repository is needed, so it is ususally much faster to get a long log.

3.9. git push

git push. This command synchronizes the public repository on the server with your local one. You should make sure you want to publish all the commits you have made. Sometimes it may be useful to run git rebase -i in order to simplify the history. Also, to prevent conflicts when pushing, it is better to first use git pull prior to pushing and resolve any conflicts locally.

3.10. git checkout

git checkout. This command is used to make a branch of the local repository visible in the working directory.

Note to Subversion Users

git checkout is sometimes confusing to subversion users because it is very different from svn checkout. The former is closer to svn switch. When using Git, you will find yourself creating branches rather often, and using git checkout to switch between them is a rather common command.

3.11. git merge

git merge. This is useful to apply changes from another branch (or several branches) to the current one. By default the resulting changes are committed. This can be prevented with the --no-commit option, which gives you a chance to inspect and further tweak the merge result before committing.

In some cases, merging results in conflicts that have to be manually resolved. Note that edits should merge only to a clean branch, that is, after committing all changes.

Note to Subversion Users

Contrary to subversion, there is no --dry-run option to git merge. But a repository can always be reset to a previous state with git reset --hard <commit-id>.

3.12. git rebase

git rebase This is useful to have the current branch start from another point in the history. For example if you have:

                              B1---B2---B3    my_branch
                            A---C1---C2       trunk

rebasing my_branch onto trunk will produce:

                              B'1---B'2---B'3 my_branch
                   A---C1---C2                trunk

where the state reached after commit B'3 is the same as it was at B3.

But the most useful command is git rebase -i that allows you to rewrite history when you have made messy commits.

Chapter 4. Committing Changes - Policy

4.1. Introduction

Here is a summary list of things to do before committing changes:

  • Test the instructions you are adding.

  • Update general.ent with the new date.

  • Update chapter01/changelog.xml.

  • Check that all relevant files have been git add'd or git rm'd.

  • Check the validity of the XML.

  • Check that the book renders properly.

  • Commit; go back to the beginning if you have another set of changes you want to make.

  • Push once you are done with all your changes.

  • Update Trac to reflect the changes.

You should normally restrict a commit to one set of changes, so if you are updating the versions of three packages you will usually do that in three separate commits. Clearly, what forms a "set" is a matter for your judgement. Always think that a set will have to be merged to (at least) the multilib branch. Pushing is not mandatory after each change if you plan to soon make another one. Once again, editors should run git pull before pushing in order to resolve any conflict locally.

The editors of the LFS book prefer that changes to the date in general.ent are made as part of a real change.

4.2. Test the instructions

This may seem really obvious but it's very easy to make a typo in installation command changes which causes the installation to break. We've all done it, you'll probably do it too eventually. But double check to minimize the chance.

4.3. Updating general.ent

The following elements should be uncommented and updated in the general.ent file when a release (including -rc releases) is made, and the two lines about version.ent should be commented out:

<!ENTITY version         "10.2-rc1">
<!ENTITY versiond        "10.2-rc1">
<!ENTITY releasedate     "August 26th, 2021">
<!ENTITY copyrightdate   "1999-2021">

For development snapshots, these entities are automatically generated from the Git commit info. So general.ent does not need to be updated.

4.4. Update chapter01/changelog.xml

Changelog updates should always be provided with the exception of small typo fixes. You don't need to add "fixed small typo in XXX" to the changelog otherwise it will grow too much.

Changelog updates need to be in the following format:

  <para>Month Day, Year</para>
      <para>[username] - What you changed.</para>
<!-- if it only applies to the sysv version (adapt for systemd) -->
    <listitem revision="sysv">
      <para>[username] - What you changed only for sysv version.</para>
      <para>[username] - Previous changelog entry from the same day,
      by you or another editor.</para>


  <para>March 3, 2006</para>
      <para>[renodr] - Update to attr-2.5.1. Fixes
      <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;4833">#4833</ulink>.</para>

Changelog entries are always on top of the previously added changelog entry.

4.5. Check All Relevant Files

If you are adding files, you need to run a git add command on each of them. When you remove files, you should always do that with git rm. Moving or renaming files is done with git mv. Adding a directory and all its children is done with git add <dirname>.

If you think you're ready to commit, run git status to see the state of the working copy. The normal process is to first git add the files that are modified to the index, then run git commit to store the set of changes into the local repository. The ouput of git status looks like this:

On branch trunk
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/trunk'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        modified:   README

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   TODO

where the "Changes to be committed" appear in green, while the "Changes not staged for commit" appear in red.

4.6. Commenting something out

Sometimes, a change will make something no longer appropriate, but you think that it might be needed in the future. If you comment it out in the normal way, and start the comment with a FIXME: marker, that will be highlighted whenever the file is edited, at least if you use vim.

If you encounter a FIXME: in a comment, do not automatically assume that it can be deleted because the following instructions have now been commented out.

Note that there is no example here - the rendering of html strips out comments, and an empty box looks silly. As always, render your local copy after you comment something out, so that you can see the result!

4.7. Commit it!

Once you are sure that everything renders and that you know which files you wish to commit, you're ready. First commit locally:

  • Normal Procedure: allows to only commit what you want

    • Run git add <file1> <file2> ...

    • After verifying that all has been correctly staged (use git status and/or git diff --staged), run git commit and fill up the log message in the editor window. Or for a short log message, run git commit -m "log message".

  • Shortcut to commit all modified files in one go:

    • Run git commit -a and write the log message in the editor window. As above, you can use the -m option for short log messages.

Now push your work: git push. A transaction log of all the commits that make up the push will be emailed to the mailinglist so other editors can see right away what you did. The commit emails contain some basic info (log, changes to which files) including a diff -u format output.

About log messages: Due to the way git log displays log messages, please keep the size of each line below 72 characters. A good commit message is composed of a short summary (not more than fifty characters), a blank line, then details, reasons, etc on less than 72 characters lines. Log messages should never be empty. Even if the message is just 'small typo fix', that'll do. Other usual messages are 'update to package-x.y.z' or 'fixed installation instructions of package foo'. That last one usually needs also explanation lines as said above.

Example: If you have modified general.ent, the changelog, and fixed a typo in chapter 6 bash installation, the workflow could be:

git add general.ent chapter01/changelog.xml chapter06/bash.xml
git commit -m 'fixed a typo in chapter 6 bash'

4.8. Update Trac

The final part of updating the book is to update the ticket. This is usually as easy as going to the wiki (, going to the ticket and choosing resolve, changing resolution to fixed.

Chapter 5. Using Trac

5.1. Introduction

This chapter covers the things you need to do when you are using Trac for entering new bugs into the system and fixing/updating outstanding bugs.

We assume you have already logged into Trac before doing anything outlined in the following sections.

5.2. Adding comments

  • Go to the ticket you want to add comments to

  • Add your additional information in the Comment box.

  • As the last step, click on the Submit changes button to commit your changes to the database. A log of this will be sent to the lfs-book mailinglist.

5.3. Enter a new bug

You found a bug, or somebody else found a bug and you decided to add it to Trac. Or you want to log a request for a feature that somebody has asked for or a task of some other type.

  • Go to

  • Select the ticket type (defect for bugs, or enhancement, or task).

  • The Short summary and Full Description are mandatory.

  • Select the Priority. Use your own judgement on how important fixing this bug is. If you're not sure just leave the default. Priorities are periodically re-evaluated and changed anyway.

  • Select the Component - the only options are Book or Bootscripts.

  • Select the Severity as appropriate, anything from trivial to critical or blocker.

  • If you don't want to assign yourself to it right away, leave the Assign To field blank. It will be assigned to until an editor changes that to himself.

  • If you wish, select a Milestone, either the next version, or future.

  • Select the proper Version. You most always will choose the SVN version. It doesn't make sense to report a bug against an old version if it's no longer in Subversion. If it is, then SVN is newer than a previously released stable book version. The versions are basically there only for people who don't edit the book and who want to report a bug against the book version they have.

  • Fill in the Keywords and Cc: fields if you wish.

  • If you are using any formatting in the Full description field, you may wish to click on the Preview button.

  • As the last step, click on the Submit ticket button to commit your changes to the database. A log of this will be sent to the mailinglist.

5.4. Assigning Tickets

When you are ready to start working on an issue that is in Trac, step one is to assign it to yourself. This informs all the editors that you are working on the issue.

  • Go to the isssue you want to work on.

  • Select the Accept ticket radio button.

  • Click on the Submit changes button.

  • While working on the issue, sometimes you may want to add comments to it. Feel free to do so.

5.5. Mark an Issue Fixed

Once you have fixed an issue and have committed the relevant changes into the Subversion repository, you need to mark the ticket fixed in Trac.

  • Go to the ticket you fixed and which is assigned to you.

  • Select the resolve as radio button. Then select the proper resolution. Usually you'll select fixed here, but there are times when you select other ones like cases where a reported issue is (invalid), or we know about it but won't fix it (wontfix) and so on.

  • Click on the Submit changes button to commit the changes to the database.

Chapter 6. Package Upgrade Procedures

6.1. Introduction

Updating a package in the LFS-Book consists of the following:

  • Updating Trac to announce the availability of a new version of a package.

  • Updating the book to reflect the new version of the package.

6.2. Updating Trac

When a new package is released by its maintainers, we mark this in Trac. You don't need to update the book right after a package is released, but at least announce it.

  • Go to Trac's query page at

  • Choose Active Tickets and look for the name of the package.

  • Create a new ticket for the new version (as previously discussed under entering a new bug). Mark it as an enhancement. Add any interesting information, e.g. from the release notes. When you have put in all the information you wish to record, click on Submit ticket in the normal way.

  • If there is an existing open ticket for a prior version of the package, resolve that as wontfix with a note that it has been superceded by the new ticket. Alternatively, select Modify Ticket and update the Summary and Description to reflect the new version.

6.3. Update the Book

When you're going to update the book by adding a new package to it, here's how you do it:

  • Assign yourself to the ticket for this new package.

  • Test build an LFS system to make sure this package compiles properly in an LFS environment. Don't use your regular workstation's environment - it may be sufficiently different for to affect the build procedures. A package may depend on something that you have installed but which doesn't come with the LFS-Book. Also keep in mind that some packages are used more than once in the LFS build process.

  • Update the installation instructions in the book, if necessary.

  • When the package compiles properly and the package works too (doesn't seg fault or show other errors when trying to execute programs from it), then open the packages.ent in an editor.

  • Find the package-version entity and update its value to the new version.

  • Update the list of files installed by the new version of the package. This can be trivially gathered by using find immediately prior to and immediately after installing the new version and diffing the output.

6.4. Render the Book and Check Links

Now that you're done, make sure the book renders properly and check the links in Chapter 3 to make sure the new package links are valid.

If this checks out, then you're done with the package update. For more information about how to build the HTML files from the book sources, refer to Chapter 8.

Commit your changes to the Git repository.

Chapter 7. Security Advisories

7.1. Introduction

In both LFS and BLFS we try to advise our users of security vulnerabilities. Sometimes vulnerabilities are mentioned in a release announcement, at other times they are noticed later.

The current advisories point to the development books, with past advisories pointing to the numbered books (rather than to'stable' ). You will probably need to create some symlinks in wherever you render the books so that both versions of the current LFS and BLFS books point to your local copies so that you can check them before pushing. If you have local renders of the current released books you can also link to those. Because consolidated.html is located in the BLFS book, you will need to make a special symlink to get to that from your local LFS advisories.

For historical reasons, the links at rivendell point to 'svn' and 'systemd' for the current books.

Normally we will raise a security advisory once we have a tested fix in the appropriate book (LFS or BLFS), i.e. a newer version, or a patch. However sometimes a vulnerability remains open for a long time and we may choose to suggest a workaround such as "do not use this feature of the package".

We try to provide enough details to enable users to decide if they need to update as soon as possible, including a vulnerability assessment and any details we can find. If upstream provides an assessment of the severity we will normally use that. Otherwise we must search around for details. If details of a CVE are publically visible there might be a rating at although sometimes that site regards issues as Moderate when a rating of High might be appropriate. If in doubt, our default rating is High.

In theory, a user of a recent past version of the book can look at our current and previous vulnerabilities and see every fixed vulnerability which affects a package. In practice it is not always clear that a newer version has fixed a vulnerability - if that comes to light after we have made a release with a newer version of the package such items might be ignored on the grounds that most users have already looked at the previous vulnerabilities and are unlikely to notice new additions - for example a vulenrability in flac-3.2 was fixed in flac-3.3 but not publically mentioned. In such cases we can add a 'Late Advisories' section between the advisories for the current book and the previous advisories - see 10.0-102 in consolidated.html and the corresponding entry in 10.0.html. In these cases, the best way to alert users is to announce the advisory on the lfs-support and blfs-support lists.

From time to time we may become aware that the details of an advisory should be changed, e.g. it might be that it is invalid for some reason (e.g. never in a released version, or only applicable to windows). When this happens we can modify the existing item and change the 'Date' entry to 'Updated' with the current date.

For day to day updates to advisories the files are organized into:

  • blfs/advisories/consolidated.html (shared between LFS and BLFS).

  • lfs/advisories/NN.N.html (for any LFS advisories since the current (NN.N) release).

  • bfs/advisories/NN.N.html (for any BLFS advisories since the current (NN.N) release).

There are two parts to creating an advisory:

  • Taking the next available number to create an entry in consolidated.html containing the necessary details.

  • Adding summary advisory details for this version of LFS or BLFS.

Much of any new item will be copied from a template or from an earlier advisory. It is important to take your time when reviewing what you have created, to see that it reads and links correctly.

7.2. Consolidated.html

The consolidated page provides a list of our advisories since we began to create them. They are numbered within releases, in each case newest first. This page lives in blfs/advisories but it is common to both LFS and BLFS.

Create the details for the next available advisory number. The top part of the page contains a lot of commented items which can be used as a template, but if there are previous advisories for this package it may be easier to copy details from one of those.

As well as the number, and the sa-NN.N-nnn link, each entry has a date and a severity. Where upstream has assigned a severity we normally go with that. If a source such as NVD has assigned a severity, consider if it is appropriate (our default is 'High' even for Denial of Service on non-server programs).

Where one or more CVEs have been issued, it may be useful to link to NVD if that provides details, or else to any other reliable source which explains the vulnerability (i.e. google for it). If the details are not public, you might not be able to find a suitable external link. But for packages which provide their own advisories it is good to link to those.

Render the page, check that the links (external to applications, and internal to the sysv and systemd books) work correctly and that what you have written and pasted makes sense.

It might be beneficial to commit the change to consolidated.html at this point, so that you own the advisory number (e.g. if you think other people may also be updating advisories). In that case it is probably best to do only one if you have several, and to then update the page for the current release.

7.3. Advisories since the last release.

There are separate pages for LFS and BLFS where we list our advisories since our last release. These pages are in alphabetical order, with newer advisories coming before older ones for the same package.

In both LFS and BLFS the page is labelled with the number of our current release, so 10.1.html from March 2021 until we release our next version.

You will see there is a commented <h3>PackageName<h3> as a guide. The <h4> line should be copied from the entry you created in consolidated.html. Follow that with a short paragraph summarising the problem and how to fix it (or in exceptional cases other actions to work around the problem). Add a sentence linking to the advisory in consolidated.html.

Some packages get extra information, e.g. Thunderbird has an italic paragraph explaining how the vulnerabilities are in a browser-like context. If this is the first advisory for Thunderbird in this release, copy that part from the previous advisories. Similarly, in LFS glibc gets different information because the only supported upgrade path in LFS is to build a new LFS: give information to let users decide how serious the vulnerabilit{y,ies} is/are for their use-case (many are quite old).

7.4. What to do when we make a release.

When a new release of the books is ready (i.e. the new book directories for this version have been populated), there are notes in the Notes-re-release.txt files:

As well as updating index.html for the new release, and creating a new page for the new version - initially stating "There are no known security vulnerabilities" - the advisories for what is now the previous release need to be amended.

That is because the packages in that release have been tested up to the versions and packages in that release, and from time to time packages will later drop out, or be replaced by forked versions, or even move to a different part of the book. So the links should be changed so that instead of pointing to the development book, they now point to the version we have just released.

Part II. Automatization

Chapter 8. Processes

8.1. Introduction

This chapter describes the processes on how to convert the DocBook XML sources to HTML which are presented to the users on the website. The processes are basically same on a local machine when the user clones the XMLs to a local repository and wants to create the HTML files there.

Prerequisites are a small set of tools, namly make, DocBook XML, DocBook XSLT and the xsltproc tools. This tools are used to convert DocBook XML to other formats, most used target format is HTML which can be used to present the books in a nicely formatted way to the user. Other formats might be PDF, but this is not part of this chapter.

This chapter is devided in following parts:

  • Basics on convertion

    Describe the basic steps to convert the XMLs to HTML which are common to LFS and BLFS.

  • Specials in LFS or BLFS

    Notes on specials to keep in mind when converting the LFS or the BLFS book.

  • Processes on the server

    Notes for editors and admins maintaining the book convertion on the main LFS server.

8.2. Basics

8.2.1. Rendering books

When a book has been checked out (cloned), change into the top level directory of the book. The creation of the HTML files is started with following command:


By default, the sysv version of the book will be rendered. To create the systemd version issue:

make REV=systemd

The only allowed values for REV are sysv or systemd. Any other value - while sysv is the default when nothing is specified - will cause an error.

The output location is depending on the type of the book, it will be different when building the LFS, the BLFS or any other book. Usually, the output is a drectory in the HOME directory of the current user. As time of writing, the directories are



LFS (sysv)


LFS (systemd)


BLFS (sysv)


BLFS (systemd)


Editors guide (this book)


To specify a different output directory, use the BASEDIR parameter:

make BASEDIR=<path/to/put/the/htmls>

Of course, a combination of REV and BASEDIR is allowed. Other common parameters

To control whether the build process should show all executed commands in detail, use a non-empty parameter V:

make V=1

The build process of LFS or BLFS books requires the production of some temporary data. Parameter RENDERTMP defines where to store such temporary files. The default is $HOME/tmp and can be set to any other directory but it should be different to BASEDIR:

make RENDERTMP=<path/to/put/temp/files>

8.2.2. Bootscripts / Service files

TODO: Describe what to do when bootscripts has been changed. Edit chglog, update general.ent in LFS, ..., copy over to anduin, ...

8.3. Specials

8.3.1. Specials

This section describes some extensions and variations available for some type of books. LFS - Multilib version

There is a special branch of the LFS book which includes additional instructions for those users who like to build a system which supports 32bit binaries and not only 64bit. For more details about how and why, refer to that book, here only the parameters required to build the ML book are discussed.

In order to use the multilib version of the book, the repository must be switched to the branch multilib by using git:

git checkout multilib

To control if and which multilib version of the book will be created, use the ARCH parameter.

make ARCH=ml_32

Possible values for ARCH are ml_32 to include instructions to support the m32 binaries or ml_x32 for the mx32 architecture. ml_default which is used when ARCH is not given, includes none of the additional instructions and the resulting book is nearly identical to the book when the trunk branch is used. ml_all includes both ml_32 and ml_x32 instructions.

8.4. Processes on the main server

8.4.1. Scripts

Useful scripts to automate the daily rendering of the books are located in /usr/local/bin.

Following a list of scripts which might be of interest for rendering and installing the books on the main server:


    (no parameters)

    This script creates the Editors Guide as a "one-pager" - meaning the whole guide is in one HTML page.

    The result can be viewed at

















8.4.2. Cronjobs

There are several cronjobs (tasks executed automatically at a specific time). Those tasks automated the rendering of the books as well as the handling of files like patches, bootscripts and so on.

Following a list of cronjobs defined on the main server:
