The Xfce4 Pulseaudio Plugin is a plugin for the Xfce panel which provides a convenient way to adjust the audio volume of the PulseAudio sound system and to an auto mixer tool like pavucontrol. It can optionally handle multimedia keys for controlling the audio volume.
Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.
Download (HTTP):
Download MD5 sum: c4424a441794c92c7f45d275864f00d3
Download size: 476 KB
Estimated disk space required: 6.7 MB
Estimated build time: less than 0.1 SBU
libnotify-0.8.4, PulseAudio-17.0, and xfce4-panel-4.20.4
keybinder-3.0-0.3.2 and pavucontrol-6.1 (runtime)
Install the Xfce4 Pulseaudio Plugin by running the following commands:
./configure --prefix=/usr && make
This package does not come with a test suite.
Now, as the root
make install