
Introduction to Dtc

The dtc package contains the Device Tree Compiler for working with device tree source and binary files and also libfdt, a utility library for reading and manipulating device trees in the binary format.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 12.2 platform.

Package Information

Dtc Dependencies


libyaml-0.2.5, SWIG-4.2.1, and texlive-20240312

Installation of Dtc

Install dtc by running the following commands:

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson setup --prefix=/usr         \
            --buildtype=release   \
            -D python=disabled .. &&

To test the results, issue: meson test -v.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

Still as the root user, remove the useless static library:

rm /usr/lib/libfdt.a

If you have texlive-20240312 installed, you can build the PDF format of the documentation by issuing the following command:

pushd ../Documentation
  latexmk -bibtex --pdf dtc-paper &&
  latexmk -bibtex --pdf dtc-paper -c

To install the documentation, as the root user issue the following command:

cp -R ../Documentation -T /usr/share/doc/dtc-1.7.1

If you have installed SWIG-4.2.1 and you wish to install the Python 3 binding of this package, build the Python 3 module:

pip3 wheel -w dist --no-build-isolation --no-deps --no-cache-dir ..

As the root user, install the Python 3 module:

pip3 install --no-index --find-links=dist --no-cache-dir --no-user libfdt

Command Explanations

--buildtype=release: Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as the default may produce unoptimized binaries.

-D python=disabled: This switch prevents building the Python 3 binding with the deprecated method (running setup.py directly). We will build the Python 3 binding with the pip3 wheel command separately if wanted.


Installed Programs: convert-dtsv0, dtc, dtdiff, fdtdump, fdtget, fdtoverlay, and fdtput
Installed Library: libfdt.so
Installed Directory: /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/libfdt-1.7.1.dist-info and /usr/share/doc/dtc-1.7.1 (optionally)

Short Descriptions


converts device tree v0 source to device tree v1


compiles device tree source (dts) to device tree binary blob (dtb), or de-compiles dtb to dts


compares two different device tree


prints a readable version of a flat device-tree file


reads values from device-tree


applies a number of overlays to a base device tree blob


writes a property value to a device tree


is a utility library for reading and manipulating device trees in the binary format