
Introduction to QtWebkit

Qtwebkit is a Qt based web browser engine.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-8.1 platform.

Package Information

Additional Downloads

Qtwebkit Dependencies


ICU-59.1, libjpeg-turbo-1.5.2, libpng-1.6.31, libwebp-0.6.0, libxslt-1.1.29, Qt-5.9.1, Ruby-2.4.1, and SQLite-3.20.0


User Notes: http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/wiki/qtwebkit

Installation of Qtwebkit

First, fix a build issue with ICU >= 59:

patch -Np1 -i ../qtwebkit-5.9.0-icu_59-1.patch

If desired, adjust the build settings to avoid literally thousands of unneeded warning messages:

sed -e '/CONFIG/a QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-expansion-to-defined' \
    -i Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/unix/default_pre.prf

Install Qtwebkit by running the following commands:

mkdir -p build        &&
cd       build        &&

qmake ../WebKit.pro   &&

This package does not come with a test suite.

Now, as the root user:

make install


The installation is automatically made to the $QT5DIR directory tree.

Remove references to the build directory from installed profile include (pri) files by running the following command as the root user:

find $QT5DIR/ -name \*.prl \
   -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d' {} \;

Command Explanations

qmake: is a Qt tool that automates the generation of Makefiles.


Installed Programs: None
Installed Libraries: libQt5WebKit.so and libQt5WebKitWidgets.so
Installed Directories: $QT5PREFIX/qml/QtWebKit, $QT5PREFIX/lib/cmake/Qt5WebKit{,Widgets}, $QT5PREFIX/include/QtWebKit{,Widgets), and $QT5PREFIX/plugins/webkit

Last updated on 2017-08-24 18:56:23 -0700