
Introduction to Zenity

Zenity is a rewrite of gdialog, the GNOME port of dialog which allows you to display GTK+ dialog boxes from the command line and shell scripts.

Package Information

Zenity Dependencies


libgnomecanvas-2.14.0 and GNOME Doc Utils-0.10.3


libnotify and intltool-0.35.5

User Notes: http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/wiki/zenity

Installation of Zenity

Install Zenity by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0) \
            --localstatedir=/var/lib \
            --mandir=$(pkg-config \
                --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0)/share/man &&

This package does not come with a test suite.

Now, as the root user:

make install

Command Explanations

--prefix=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0): Setting the prefix using this parameter instead of with $GNOME_PREFIX will ensure that the prefix is consistent with the installation environment and the package will be installed in the correct location.

--localstatedir=/var/lib: This parameter is used so that all ScrollKeeper files are installed in, and the ScrollKeeper database is properly updated in /var/lib/scrollkeeper instead of some files being installed in $GNOME_PREFIX/var/scrollkeeper.

--mandir=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0)/share/man: This parameter causes the man.(X) files to be installed in $GNOME_PREFIX/share/man/man(X) instead of $GNOME_PREFIX/man/man(X).


Installed Programs: gdialog and zenity
Installed Libraries: None
Installed Directories: $GNOME_PREFIX/share/{,gnome/help/ ,omf/}zenity

Short Descriptions


is a Perl wrapper script which can be used with legacy scripts.


is a program that will display GTK+ dialogs, and return the user's input.

Last updated on 2007-07-26 13:58:49 -0500