The JadeTeX package is a companion package to the OpenJade DSSSL processor. JadeTeX transforms high level LaTeX macros into DVI/PostScript and Portable Document Format (PDF) forms.
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Estimated build time: less than 0.1 SBU
Recommended demo files:
User Notes:
If you downloaded the demo files tarball, unpack it along with the source tarball. It will unpack as a demo directory in the root of the source tree.
First, as the root user, make some required modifications to the texmf.cnf file already installed on the system by the teTeX package, then build a new latex.fmt file using the following commands:
sed -i.orig -e "s/original texmf.cnf/modified texmf.cnf/" \ -e "s/memory hog.../&\npool_size.context = 750000/" \ $(kpsewhich texmf.cnf) && cat >> $(kpsewhich texmf.cnf) << "EOF" % The following 3 sections added for JadeTeX % latex settings main_memory.latex = 1100000 param_size.latex = 1500 stack_size.latex = 1500 hash_extra.latex = 15000 string_vacancies.latex = 45000 pool_free.latex = 47500 nest_size.latex = 500 save_size.latex = 5000 pool_size.latex = 500000 max_strings.latex = 55000 font_mem_size.latex= 400000 % jadetex settings main_memory.jadetex = 1500000 param_size.jadetex = 1500 stack_size.jadetex = 1500 hash_extra.jadetex = 50000 string_vacancies.jadetex = 45000 pool_free.jadetex = 47500 nest_size.jadetex = 500 save_size.jadetex = 5000 pool_size.jadetex = 500000 max_strings.jadetex = 55000 % pdfjadetex settings main_memory.pdfjadetex = 2500000 param_size.pdfjadetex = 1500 stack_size.pdfjadetex = 1500 hash_extra.pdfjadetex = 50000 string_vacancies.pdfjadetex = 45000 pool_free.pdfjadetex = 47500 nest_size.pdfjadetex = 500 save_size.pdfjadetex = 5000 pool_size.pdfjadetex = 500000 max_strings.pdfjadetex = 55000 EOF LATEX_FMT_DIR="$(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFSYSVAR')/web2c" && mv -v $(kpsewhich latex.fmt) $(kpsewhich latex.fmt).orig && mv -v $LATEX_FMT_DIR/latex.log $LATEX_FMT_DIR/latex.log.orig && fmtutil-sys --byfmt latex
Install JadeTex using the following commands:
Now, as the root user:
install -v -m755 -d \ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFLOCAL')/tex/jadetex/config && install -v -m644 dsssl.def jadetex.ltx *.sty \ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFLOCAL')/tex/jadetex && install -v -m644 {,pdf}jadetex.ini \ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFLOCAL')/tex/jadetex/config && FMTUTIL_CNF="$(kpsewhich fmtutil.cnf)" && mv $FMTUTIL_CNF $FMTUTIL_CNF.orig && cat $FMTUTIL_CNF.orig - >> $FMTUTIL_CNF << "EOF" # JadeTeX formats: jadetex etex - "&latex" jadetex.ini pdfjadetex pdfetex - "&pdflatex" pdfjadetex.ini EOF mv -v $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFMAIN')/ls-R \ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFMAIN')/ls-R.orig && mv -v $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFSYSVAR')/ls-R \ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFSYSVAR')/ls-R.orig && mktexlsr && fmtutil-sys --byfmt jadetex && fmtutil-sys --byfmt pdfjadetex && mktexlsr && ln -v -sf etex /usr/bin/jadetex && ln -v -sf pdfetex /usr/bin/pdfjadetex && install -v -m644 -D index.html \ /usr/share/doc/jadetex-3.13/index.html && install -v -m644 *.1 /usr/share/man/man1
If you downloaded the demo files tarball, issue the following commands as an unprivileged user to test the functionality of the new JadeTex installation:
cd demo && openjade -t tex -d demo.dsl demo.sgm && jadetex demo.tex && pdfjadetex demo.tex && ls -lrt && cd ..
The commands should complete without errors or warnings and create demo.dvi and demo.pdf files.
sed -i -e ... -e ... $(kpsewhich texmf.cnf): This command uses kpsewhich to locate the installed texmf.cnf. The first change is used to modify the header of the file so that if teTeX is upgraded, the file won't get overwritten. The next change adds a parameter to increase ConTeXt's memory size to accommodate JadeTeX.
fmtutil-sys ...: These commands are used to build the latex.fmt, jadetex.fmt and pdfjadetex.fmt files. Additionally, the command automagically places the files in the correct directory.
mktexlsr; ln -v -sf tex ...; ln -v -sf pdftex ...: The JadeTeX programs are actually just symlinks to the teTeX programs. mktexlsr updates teTeX's ls-R databases used by the libkpathsea library so that teTeX knows to use the JadeTeX .fmt files when jadetex or pdfjadetex is called.
If you need to modify the default JadeTeX macro settings, see the JadeTeX FAQ.
Last updated on 2007-01-15 17:25:53 -0600