The gnome-screensaver package contains a screen saver and locker designed to have simple, sane, secure defaults and be well integrated with the desktop. It supports locking down of configuration settings, has translations into many languages and convenient user switching.
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Download MD5 sum: 2ed0b9322d284bb1739e037165ca94f2
Download size: 1.9 MB
Estimated disk space required: 18.5 MB
Estimated build time: 0.3 SBU
D-BUS-0.62, libgnomeui-2.14.1, and gnome-menus-2.14.3
intltool-0.34.2, libexif-0.6.13, Linux-PAM-, XScreenSaver-4.24 (and libxslt-1.1.17), and GDM-2.14.10
User Notes:
Optional Features
1. If you have XScreenSaver installed and wish to import any or all of the “hacks” into gnome-screensaver themes, set the following environment variable (modify it if XScreenSaver is installed in a non-standard location):
Also add the following parameter to the configure script below:
2. If you have GDM installed and wish to provide user-switching from the gnome-screensaver unlock-screen dialog box, add the following parameter to the configure script below:
Install gnome-screensaver by running the following commands:
sed -i 's|etc/pam\.d"|etc"|' data/ && ./configure --prefix=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0) \ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/2.14.3 \ --libexecdir=$(pkg-config \ --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0)/lib/gnome-screensaver \ --with-pam-prefix=/etc && make
If you have XScreenSaver installed and wish to import any or all of the “hacks” into gnome-screensaver themes, you'll need to identify which “hacks” you wish to import. The commands below will import all of them. If you want to import less than all of them, modify the setting of the XSAVERLIST environment variable below (listing the desired hacks by filename without the extension, space delimited) and issue the following commands:
mkdir xscreensavers && cd xscreensavers && XSAVERLIST="*" && for SAVERLIST in $(ls ${XSAVERDIR}/${XSAVERLIST}.xml); do ../data/ $SAVERLIST done && unset XSAVERDIR unset XSAVERLIST unset SAVERLIST cd ..
This package does not come with a test suite.
Now, as the root user:
make install && install -v -m644 -D doc/DBUS-API.txt \ $(pkg-config --variable=prefix \ ORBit-2.0)/share/doc/gnome-screensaver-2.14.3/DBUS-API.txt
If you identified some, or all, XScreenSaver hacks to be imported into gnome-screensaver, install them by issuing the following commands as the root user:
install -v -m755 -d $(pkg-config --variable=prefix \ ORBit-2.0)/share/gnome-screensaver/themes/xscreensaver && install -v -m644 xscreensavers/*.desktop \ $(pkg-config --variable=prefix \ ORBit-2.0)/share/gnome-screensaver/themes/xscreensaver
sed -i 's|etc/pam\.d"|etc|' data/ This command is used so that an erroneous message to copy the PAM configuration file is not displayed.
--prefix=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0): Setting the prefix using this parameter instead of with $GNOME_PREFIX will ensure that the prefix is consistent with the installation environment and the package will be installed in the correct location.
--sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/2.14.3: This parameter causes the configuration files to be installed in /etc/gnome/2.14.3 instead of $GNOME_PREFIX/etc. Additionally (if applicable), the parameter ensures that the GConf-2 database is correctly updated.
--libexecdir=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0)/lib/gnome-screensaver: This parameter causes the libexec files to be installed in the preferred location of $GNOME_PREFIX/lib/gnome-screensaver instead of $GNOME_PREFIX/libexec.
--with-pam-prefix=/etc: This parameter is used so that the Linux-PAM configuration file for the gnome-screensaver application is installed in the correct location. You may omit this parameter if you don't have Linux-PAM installed, though it won't affect the build if you don't.
Most of the gnome-screensaver configuration parameters can be modified using the menu item from the — drop-down menu. Some of the fine-tuning parameters are only available using GConf Editor-2.14.0.
If you have Linux-PAM installed, the just-installed gnome-screensaver configuration file does not work with a BLFS system. Replace the existing file with one that can be used on a BLFS system by issuing the following command as the root user:
cat > /etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver << "EOF" # File: /etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver auth required account required session required password required EOF chmod -v 644 /etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver
If you have GDM installed and you passed the --with-gdm-config= option to the configure script, the screen-unlocking dialog box will contain an option to “Switch Users”. This user switching option uses the same configuration as GDM to determine what users are displayed in this dialog. You can use the GDM configuration option from the GDM login screen, or you can directly edit the /etc/gnome/2.14.3/gdm/custom.conf file to modify the settings.
Last updated on 2007-02-01 14:12:29 -0600