
Introduction to NAS

The Network Audio System is a network transparent, client/server audio transport system used to read , write and play audio files in many formats including .au, .snd, .voc, .wav, .aiff, .aif and .iff. It can be described as the audio equivalent of an X server.

Package Information

NAS Dependencies


X (XFree86-4.5.0 or

Installation of NAS

Install NAS by running the following commands:

xmkmf &&
make World

Now, as the root user:

make install

Command Explanations

xmkmf; make World: These commands use the standard for compiling X based applications.

Configuring NAS

Config Files


Configuration Information

Create the NAS configuration file using the following command:

install -v -m644 /etc/nas/ /etc/nas/nasd.conf

Edit the new configuration file to suit your network and system needs.

Boot Script

Install the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nas init script included in the blfs-bootscripts-6.1 package.

make install-nas

The init script uses a default parameter to allow access to all hosts on the network. Review the nasd man page for other available parameters if you need to modify the script.


Installed Programs: auconvert, auctl, audemo, audial, auedit, auinfo, aupanel, auphone, auplay, aurecord, auscope, autool, auwave, checkmail, issndfile, nasd, playbucket, and soundtoh
Installed Library: libaudio.[so,a]
Installed Directory: /etc/nas and /usr/X11R6/include/audio

Short Descriptions


are a collection of tools to convert, play, edit, record, and manipulate sound files. See the respective man page for each utility for a full description of each one.


plays a sound file when the user receives mail.


checks if a file is in a recognized audio file format.


is the Network Audio System server daemon.


plays, or creates, the bucket corresponding to the specified file.


converts a sound file to a C language header file.


contains API functions to read and write audio files.

Last updated on 2005-08-01 13:29:19 -0600