
Introduction to system-tools-backends

The system-tools-backends are a set of cross-platform scripts for Linux and other Unix systems. The backends provide a standard XML interface for modifying the configuration regardless of the distribution being used.

Package Information

system-tools-backends Dependencies



Installation of system-tools-backends



The instructions below are based on installing the package into a GNOME-2 environment. If, for whatever reason, you're installing this package without having ORBit2 and the core GNOME-2 libraries installed, you'll need to modify the --prefix= parameter on the configure script to point to your desired installation path (e.g., --prefix=/usr).

Install system-tools-backends by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=`pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0` &&

This package does not come with a test suite.

Now, as the root user:

make install


Installed Programs: None
Installed Libraries: None
Installed Directories: $GNOME_PREFIX/share/setup-tool-backends

Short Descriptions

System tools backend scripts

are configuration files, Perl and shell scripts used to perform setup of various desktop frontend processes and services.

Last updated on 2005-08-01 13:29:19 -0600