
Introduction to libgnomeprint

The libgnomeprint package contains libgnomeprint libraries.

Package Information

libgnomeprint Dependencies


Pango-1.8.1, libart_lgpl-2.3.17, Fontconfig-2.3.2, popt-1.7-5, libxml2-2.6.20 and XML::Parser


CUPS-1.1.23 (and libgnomecups-0.2.0), GTK-Doc-1.3 and DocBook-utils-0.6.14

Installation of libgnomeprint



The instructions below are based on installing the package into a GNOME-2 environment. If, for whatever reason, you're installing this package without having ORBit2 and the core GNOME-2 libraries installed, you'll need to modify the --prefix= parameter on the configure script to point to your desired installation path (e.g., --prefix=/usr).

Install libgnomeprint by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=`pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0` \
    --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome --disable-gtk-doc &&

The test suite requires Acroread-4 to be installed and passing --with-metadata-printer to the configure script. If the previous requirements are met and you wish to run the regression tests, change directories to the tests directory and issue: ./

Now, as the root user:

make install

Command Explanations

--sysconfdir=/etc/gnome: This switch puts configuration files in /etc/gnome instead of $GNOME_PREFIX/etc.

--disable-gtk-doc: This switch prevents rebuilding the documentation during the make command. Remove this parameter if you have GTK-Doc installed and wish to rebuild the documentation.


Installed Programs: None
Installed Libraries: libgnomeprint-2-2.[so,a] and modules
Installed Directories: $GNOME_PREFIX/include/libgnomeprint-2.2, $GNOME_PREFIX/lib/libgnomeprint, $GNOME_PREFIX/share/gtk-doc/html/libgnomeprint, and $GNOME_PREFIX/share/libgnomeprint

Short Descriptions


implements the GNOME Printing Architecture.

Last updated on 2005-08-01 13:29:19 -0600