The PPP package contains the pppd daemon and the chat program. This is used for connecting to other machines; often for connecting to the Internet via a dial-up or PPPoE connection to an ISP.
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Estimated build time: 0.13 SBU
PPP support must be compiled into the kernel or available as a kernel module.
Install PPP by running the following commands:
patch -Np1 -i ../ppp-2.4.2-nobpf-3.patch &&
./configure &&
make ETCDIR=/etc/ppp &&
make ETCDIR=/etc/ppp install
The PPP daemon requires very little configuration. The main trick is scripting the connection. This can be done either using the chat program which comes with this package or by using WvDial-1.53.
The PPP package contains the chat, pppd, pppdump and pppstats programs.
The chat program defines a conversational exchange between the computer and the modem. Its primary purpose is to establish the connection between the Point-to-Point Protocol Daemon (PPPD) and the remote's pppd process.