The GNOME Nettool package is a network information tool which provides GUI interface for some of the most common command line network tools.
This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-11.2 platform.
Download (HTTP):
Download (FTP):
Download MD5 sum: ba99489e9e3a1af03e9f2719acac7beb
Download size: 413 KB
Estimated disk space required: 12 MB
Estimated build time: less than 0.1 SBU
GTK+-3.24.34, itstool-2.0.7, and libgtop-2.40.0
BIND Utilities-9.18.6, Nmap-7.92, Net-tools-2.10, Traceroute-2.1.0, and Whois-5.4.3
User Notes:
First, adapt GNOME Nettool to changes in the ping, ping6, and netstat utilities:
patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-nettool-42.0-ping_and_netstat_fixes-1.patch
Then add a fix for newer versions of meson:
sed -i '/merge_file/s/(.*/(/' data/
Install GNOME Nettool by running the following commands:
mkdir build && cd build && meson --prefix=/usr --buildtype=release && ninja
This package does not come with a test suite.
Now, as the root
ninja install