
Introduction to libmusicbrainz

The libmusicbrainz package contains a library which allows you to access the data held on the MusicBrainz server. This is useful for adding MusicBrainz lookup capabilities to other applications.

MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. You can use the MusicBrainz data either by browsing the web site, or you can access the data from a client program — for example, a CD player program can use MusicBrainz to identify CDs and provide information about the CD, about the artist or other related information.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 12.0 platform.

Package Information

Additional Downloads

libmusicbrainz Dependencies

Optional to Build the Python Bindings


Installation of libmusicbrainz

Install libmusicbrainz by running the following commands:

patch -Np1 -i ../libmusicbrainz-2.1.5-missing-includes-1.patch &&

CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:--O2 -g} -std=c++98" \
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static &&

If Python is installed, build the bindings with the following commands:

(cd python && python2 build)

This package does not come with a stand-alone test suite (to test you must have Python installed and perform the test after the package is installed).

Now, as the root user:

make install &&
install -v -m644 -D docs/mb_howto.txt \

To test the Python bindings, issue the following: (cd python && python2 test).

If you built the Python bindings, issue the following commands as the root user to install them:

(cd python && python2 install)

Command Explanations

--disable-static: This switch prevents installation of static versions of the libraries.


Installed Programs: None
Installed Library:
Installed Directories: /usr/include/musicbrainz and /usr/share/doc/libmusicbrainz-2.1.5

Short Descriptions

contains API functions to access the MusicBrainz database, both for looking up data and also for submitting new data